
Nine on Nine

Given today’s nine-filled date, I was reminded that Twitter recently sent me notice that my 9thanniversary of having joined the social network came on New Year’s Day. (Guess I was bored at the family dinner and signed up to start tweeting about it.) So… nine whopping years of tweets… and nothing to show for it. I shudder to think how many years I’ve wasted on FaceBook… I came relatively late to the Instagram party, so I feel a bit better about that.

All of this makes me pause and take stock of how social media has become such a part of our lives. My formative years were spent without such stuff, and I’m better for it. Having worked in human resources for well over a decade, I’ve seen the changing shifts in job applicants, and it’s decidedly unimpressive. Gone are the days when one crafted an error-free cover letter or carefully-curated resume. Gone are the days of candidates who could attend an interview and actually engage in and follow a conversational thread. Some of it may be attributed to the way the current generation processes everything on their phones, not worrying about spelling full words or figuring out how to make sustained eye contact or simply focusing on a single topic for more than two minutes. But now I’m losing sight of the whole point of this nine-centric post (credit my burgeoning crotchety-old-man attitude – you knew it was coming – hell, it’s been coming for forty years).

What does one do for a Twitter anniversary? For starters, follow me: @alanilagan. Then never open the app again, because the only thing worse than Twitter is FaceBook.

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