
Nearing July’s End in a Recap

Arriving at the end of July brings a bittersweet moment, as it means one full year will have passed since Dad died. It still stings when I say it, and I try not to skirt saying it in the hope that one day it won’t sting as much. I don’t know if that’s the best way to do it, but I refuse to bury it. Instead, I let the sadness come when it does, I allow myself to stay in bed on weekends if I don’t feel like getting up right away. And in the same vein, I allow the happiness of summer to wash over me too. To that end, here is our weekly recap for the last week of July, when summer is at its most potent. 

My Godson celebrated his second birthday.

A magical Monday.

Our 24th anniversary.

Swallowing in summer.

Hope remains.

A chosen coquette family.

Those were the dickwad days.

Chiling in the pool.

Echoes of a sea rose’s song.

A queen arrives in Boston.

A matter of perspective.

Paris is bulging.

Double Speedo bang.

Every summer is a brat summer here.

Getting naked and making every muthafucka turn.

Three visitors on a summer evening.

Olympic spotlight on: Caeleb Dressel 

Dazzlers of the Day included Aya NakamuraLéon Marchand, and Rene Farias.

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