

My Only New Year’s Resolution

Stop courting darkness.

That’s it.

That’s enough.

Too many New Year’s resolutions are made and broken too quickly. I find it best to keep things simple and accomplished with reasonable effort. And who says that resolutions are just for the start of a new calendar year? Every day should be an opportunity for a new resolution. A year is made much more manageable that way. It’s one of the basic tenets of mindfulness – to live in each moment at hand, doing the little daily rituals of life and being fully aware and invested in each of them. It leaves much less time and space for worry and dread.

Take, for instance, these pictures. They were captured on a night that we lost our power. I was alone while Andy was out getting groceries, and the house was completely dark. I lit a few candles, cozied up in a blanket by the hearth, and made the most of the silence and solitude. We always seem to lose our power at inopportune moments (like the recent Vice Presidential debate when we missed the whole fly imbroglio) and since then I’ve come to expect them. It’s easier to roll with the punches and follow the flow of the river than go against it.

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton

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