
My Head’s Not In It

Apologies, but I’m still mentally on vacation and not quite ready to return to the daily upkeep of this blog. But some (many) of you are new here, so if I throw out a few links of where we were last year, it might be funky fresh like that. Starting with this Maine visit that got posted exactly a year ago yesterday. That and our recent trip to Mt. Agamenticus (post to come) are the inspiration for a possible hiking expedition. (Another post to come.)

Maine was also home to this little show-off, a creature after my own heart.

Last year I posted about my first retail job – a job that to this day I count as one of my favorites. It was at Structure, at their Faneuil Hall location, before it got downgraded to an Abercrombie & Retch Fitch.

Still, I miss Maine, or at least the state of mind that I seem to find only there.

Tomorrow I’ll be back on track… stay with me.

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