

Monday Meeting Recap

Here we are again, reconvening for a Monday morning recap of the previous week, because before we get on with new business we must revisit old business and put it to bed. And sometimes old business is a like a bad baby that just won’t go the F to sleep when it’s supposed to. Anyway, out with the old and in with the new, and let’s try not to throw this bad baby out with the bathwater in the meantime.

The mother of all summer recaps was a beast to post, given its endless list of links and references, but I gave you two booty shots for your wagging tongues.

Who knew it was possible to improve upon the vesper? The dogwood tried, but couldn’t touch it.

My Dad and I celebrated our Virgo natures.

It was a good week for those who like to eat (namely myself) with this plum oatmeal crisp, an outstanding tamarind fish curry, and one insanely good fig-arugula-goat-cheese pizza.

The Hunks were in effect, thanks to the shirtless efforts of Kit Harington, Godfrey Gao, and Gerard Butler.

Lemongrass. That’s all. Oh, and cock.

And the start of fall. It’s an under-rated season. That’s why I love it. 

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