

Mid-August Recap

We are sailing all-too-quickly through this month, and I want only to slow things down, to savor the moment, to be present for the light when it is this beautiful. Looking back can do that, somewhat. It can stall, or at least prolong, if only in our heads, what has just come before. While it’s never safe to look back too often, once in a while I’ll indulge, as we do on Monday mornings, especially after weekends you wish didn’t have to come to an end. It’s a coping mechanism. So let’s cope, together.

Much of last week was spent in Boston, where beauty reigned, gardens glowed, and we said good-bye… for now.

Last week proved slim pickings on the Hunk of the Day front, but to male models maintained the sizzle factor of this site, so many thanks to Allen Clippinger and Elijah Johnston for taking their shirts off and keeping things hot.

We battled the groundhog, with no clear-cut winner (only clear-cut sweet potato vines).

August is proving a good month for birthdays, as evidenced by Madonna, and myself.

There is nothing better than a poem to ward off insomnia or heal heartache.

My soon-to-be-no-longer-under-the-radar-project had its latest unheralded installment.

And, finally, if you’ve never been slapped by a brownie, you need to be.

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