

Mercurial Motion

We are all fucked. More than usual, considering that Mercury is in retrograde from now until the very last day of the month. That means I will do my best to lay low and not ruffle any feathers, and I would appreciate it oh-so-much if people would do me the same honor, because I’m actually wearing feathers as we speak. There’s no need to get into what Mercury in retrograde means, and whether or not it means anything is beside the point. I tend to take these periods as a chance to center myself and not let every little aggravating thing get to me. It’s actually a nice life lesson for someone who strives to be a perfectionist – an impossible thing to be in this world. During such times, I will go a little easier on everyone, and I’ll do my best to go a little easier on myself. You have no idea the demon I turn into when I let myself down.

As for the best way to deal with this astrological turbulence, I will hunker down, focus on the things that bring about peace and tranquility, and hopefully sidestep the emotional maelstrom that is Mercury in retrograde. It is what it fucking is, and that’s all it fucking will be.

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