

Marching Forward: A Recap

The first full week of March now complete, we still seem to be stuck in the lion stages. Wake me when the lamb arrives for slaughter because I have had it with this winter. Sick of the cold and the snow and wind. Sick of the salty dirty streets. Sick of it all. But if we can get through this intact, there’s no telling how high we’ll soar come the summer. So much for an almost-spring pep talk. There’s a reason I’m not a motivational speaker. Onto last week’s recap.

Reflections of Boston came in the front and the back.

And Then He Kissed Me. By The Crystals.

You flush it, I flaunt it.

I flaunted my underwear too, but only because it matched the flowers.

Then I took my underwear off.

The Hot Hunks of the Day were out in full-force despite the frigid temps, thanks to underwear guru Todd Sanfield, hot male model Mike Stalker,  a very hairy grown-up Harry Potter – Daniel Radcliffe, a super-pumped-up Henry Cavill, an Oscar-winning and shirtless Jared Leto, a ball-handling Robbie Rogers, and the almost-naked crooning of Enrique Iglesias.

Flower power.

Another showdown at Starbucks.

Last but most certainly not least, the hottest ass post this site may have ever seen. Back it up, back it in.

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