One of the sole points of solace in the upcoming seasons of cold and fury is the chance to see sunrises like this. From the vantage point of my tenth floor office perch, I get to walk into work and have a moment of peace and calm (before the rest of the work day explodes in typical fashion). I’m usually alone at the early hour, and if I’m careful I can soak in that moment of clarity and peace and carry it with me for the start of the day.
It starts its red rise with just the slightest sliver of light, shooting out of the horizon like a laser beam. Then it happens quickly, right before your eyes, faster than you think it will. Suddenly there is the sun – the full orb burning brightly in a fiery shade of salmon before it gets brighter and loses all color.
If we’re lucky she will repeat the show at the end of the day, flipping and reversing it.