

Making A Winter Way

Winter has been having its way with me, and rather than fight that, or work on embracing it, I’ve lately been letting it simply flow. I feel my body slowing down a bit, and I’ve been taking time to simply watch winter as it goes by. A certain bit of slumber and hibernation often come into play during this season, and I lean into this sense of nesting; staying home becomes comfortable habit, one that I’ll have to break when spring comes again. For now, I go with my sedentary heart and mind, lounging and cuddling into our unmade bed. 

I’ll sink into the couch in late afternoon, as the last rays of sunlight fall into the living room, and read a little, or go into my daily meditation. It is a place of peace, and a time of tranquility, somewhat at odds with the rest of the world, and that’s always been my way. 

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