
Magnificent, Problematic Moon

Were it not for the bank of peachy-pink clouds hanging below it, the moon in these photos might have been lost in its translucent beauty here. But the clouds showed me the way, drawing my eyes upward to find the moon, which at the time these pictures were taken was very near its fullest stage, very much evidenced by the wackiness of last week. 

It was a magical view, fitting for this final day of May – the month of magic and enchantment, perhaps more than any other. Wistfully, I watch it move into the past tense, as June knocks at the front door. This is when I wish the days would slow. Instead, they bound headlong into the summer ahead, not wanting to slow or pause, not wanting to wait. 

Come along for the ride into a new summer season, as we reveal a new summer theme tomorrow…

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