
Magical Monday

“Positive people are not positive because they’ve skated through life. They’re positive because they’ve been through hell and decided they don’t want to live there anymore.” – Mona Lisa Nyman

My friend Ann loves Mondays. She was explaining this to me in earnest and genuine enthusiasm, exclaiming that it offers a new chance to start fresh at the beginning of every week, and once you’re have the outlook the Sunday scaries dissipate. I’m not quite there yet, but I kept that in mind as I started the workday, and staying in that mindset throughout the day proved surprisingly helpful. Ann has been through more than just about anyone I know, losing her parents and two siblings, and still moving forward with a positive attitude. The opening quote personifies who she is. If she can be positive and upbeat in the face of so much tragedy, all of us can be. It’s a choice, and I’m reframing the dour way we end the weekend and welcome the new week with a different slant. So much of life is a matter of personal perspective and how we look at and view and take in the world – over that we have an element of control, and any chance you have to make your own destiny is one you must take.

And so, as we end this summer Monday, I take some inspiration from Ann, who reminded me of many good things this weekend

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