
Magic Mushrooms

Truth be told, I’m not well-versed on magic mushrooms in the hallucinogenic sense of the term. I’m calling these such because they appeared overnight, as if by magic. (In this case, it was some heavy watering coupled with the heat and humidity we’ve had of late.) A charming appearance, welcome at this time of the year when summer seems to be settling into its typical rhythm and the new growth of spring has started to harden off.

Comparisons to umbrellas and parasols would be perfectly apt, but these remind me more of delicate shells or exoskeletons found at the seashore – their ribbing and radial symmetry one of nature’s works of architectural art.

There’s nothing but blades of grass to give much perspective to these beauties, so I’ll share that they are quite tiny, and extremely delicate. I was watering a different section of lawn where another one had popped up, and as soon as the first few drops of water hit it, it crumpled to the ground, almost disappearing in another feat of magic. Things can come and go awfully quickly in the garden. Ephemeral enchantments.

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