

Madame X Has Nothing On Me

Quite a few months before Madonna made the eye-patch all the momentary-rage, I was rocking the pirate look for the promos for the PVRTD project of November 2018. Inspiration comes in fits and rages, lapping like sea water, twinkling like stars. It’s there in black and white. Sometimes it’s bathed in magenta. Always, there is contrast and comparison, destiny and doom. The artist lives to create. To mirror. To unbalance. To discern. To fail and fall and fail again. To rise. 

I don’t pretend to be anything special when it comes to my creative projects. I do what I like and I like what I do. Putting it on a stage like this website is my weird way of confronting social fear, a strange sort of showing off for the introverted side of me that needs to be let out. 

Therapy via world-wide exposure. 

There’s only a little bit of risk involved.

That’s enough.  



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