
Like A Snake Sheds Its Skin

Looking back over days gone by is mostly a painful exercise. You have no idea how trying it was to compile the Year in Review 2019: Part One, Part Two and especially Part Three. It was positively ghastly. I don’t like rehashing or retreading things, particularly from the near past, but I’ve learned such enterprises are crucial in truly moving forward. Failure to do so can result in some devastating consequences. Let’s just say I’ve got all the anger and resentment to prove it. The problem with not forgiving and not forgetting is that you end up carrying all of it with you, when everyone knows the best way to travel is to travel light.

This year, I’m working toward that goal. Toward letting go of the past after working through it. That means there are difficult conversations to be had, confrontations to be thrashed out, and all sorts of emotional fall-out which will need to be cleaned up and properly eradicated. None of it sounds very appealing, and most of it will probably suck. But I need to do this work if I want things to get better. I’m taking a deep breath, pulling up my big boy breeches, and charging purposefully into the process.

Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.

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