

Lighter Shades of Purple, For Thanks

These luscious shades of purple were found along the Southwest Corridor Park where Back Bay bleeds into the South End, and how I came to be walking there on a Tuesday in November is a story that will have to wait for another day, if I deign to tell it at all. There’s nothing very exceptional about it – save for the fact that we are in the midst of a pandemic and one has to be very careful about where one goes and how one goes about getting there. These are the times in which we live. We learn to adapt, we learn different ways to survive. 

I like the addition of purple to the typical orange and rust shades you see everywhere around Thanksgiving. It adds a tinge of royalty to the proceedings. And we could all do with a little royalty these days. Nobility raises its head above the most mundane of trappings. It needs neither title nor riches. It stakes its claim on its own internal sense of self. May you find your own beauty there. 

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