

Last Summer Recap

There will be a much more exhaustive summer recap encapsulating the entire season in a bit, but for now a look back at the final full week of the sunniness we’ve so far enjoyed. To be honest, I’m not really sure where I am right now – going back and forth from Maine to Seattle, Albany to Boston, and back again next weekend, makes for a tricky touring schedule, but onward we go! Hell, if Madonna can do it, so can I (and my entourage is far less in number).

My 40th birthday was still going on (and it will be all year, so you’re just going to have to deal with that) and one of my favorite Tom Ford Private Blends came out just in time for the celebration. I wore a special birthday suit for the inaugural spritzing. And then I wore nothing at all (birthday booty warning!)

A wedding video and some magic made Justin Willman a Hunk of the Day.

Kafka and Murakami made for excellent bedfellows, while providing no reason whatsoever for this extent of disrobing.

Andrew Christian model Timmy Thok and Mr. Pec-tacular himself, Jessie Godderz, were named Hunks of the Day.

Ben Cohen was gracious enough to send me a birthday Tweet, so I made him a birthday post.

A quick weekend in Portland, Maine was captured in a single post.

Ginger Eddie Eduardo made his Hunk of the Day debut, as did inked model Jordan Levine.

This week, provided I can manage it, The Delusional Grandeur Tour hits Seattle, Washington. Are you ready to ride with the whales?


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