

Lambs and Lions, Silence and Roar

It’s the first day of March, and proverb has it marching in like a lion. I happen to love lions so that’s not a bad thing, and for many of us the roar of them is nothing but an indicator that a classic movie is about to begin. March is the month when spring officially begins, even if it won’t feel like it for a while. I’ll take it on a technicality, so let the fanfare and roar be grand and bold. Oh, I realize there are still a few more pesky weeks of winter, but now is the time to plan and begin the earliest motions of spring cleaning. (We have so much to do inside that it must begin soon or we won’t finish before summer.)

A new project is in the works too, which means things are extra busy around here, so let me go work on it a bit while you peruse how we do March around here:

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