

In Truth, Freedom

“I’ll bury my grief deep inside me and I’ll make it so secret and obscure that you won’t even have to take the trouble to sympathize with me.” ~ Alexandre Dumas, ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’

It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold. I don’t know what that even means, and I honestly don’t even care. What does strike my interest is the glorious tale of revenge and redemption found within ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ by Alexandre Dumas, and I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a classic to see you through the winter months.

As for what brought the above quote into my mind after all these years, one day I’ll tell the story. I’ll tell all the stories. And the ones that I no longer remember will be carried on by the younger people who were there and who saw what I saw. My faults may be many, but brutal honesty is a virtue. It lies in wait and will not be eradicated. Like the Count himself, it will rise and return from the ashes of distraction and destruction. It will herald its truth and shed the long-held dusty remnants of what was always wrong.

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity – they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.” ~ Alexandre Dumas, ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’

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