

In the Space of an Hour

On an early Sunday morning at Brandeis, I sit in the mostly-empty student center, shortly after Day Light Savings has turned back the clocks. It’s a slightly surreal pocket of time, this extra hour coming at this time of the year, an hour that will plunge me into darkness by the end of tomorrow’s classes. And then the early darkness will stay until the spring. For now it is enough of a novelty to be appreciated, a trick of the rules that humans have put in place to make some sense of the world.

In those days, I used to try to do something meaningful with that hour, some sign of gratitude for the return of what had been given up in the spring, when sacrifices were easier to make. I never quite managed to do anything substantial, though I like to think that acknowledging it and dwelling on it counts for something. In awareness there is sometimes honor.

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