

In Spite of the Cold, A May Recap

It feels like anything but May – March or November or even January of this past season – but such is the price of our non-winter. Had I known it would be like this now, I’d have taken the bitterness then. We don’t have such choices. And now we recap, no matter what.

The mighty have fallen, as they always do, every year.

Justin Timberlake threw in his fedora for the Song of the Summer.

No one can say his name, but Dimitrije Sreckovic made a smashing Hunk of the Day.

The enchanting tea route.

Midday macaron madness.

My brother has a website.

The lilacs lost this year.

Washington wisteria.

The Gronk got naked again.

I hope the right dressing gown… well, I hope it does something.

Peeing with Morning Wood.

A true American Beauty.

Let’s start wth the Asarum.

It’s official: I’m an octopus fiend.

Hanging out in my underwear, as one does.

Boston bloomers. Take two.

Smell this. 

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