
I’m A Snack!

Back when I was a kid, a snack meant, well, a snack. 

At our recent holiday gathering for the kids, I asked the young people to teach me some current slang so I could be a cool Mom, and they brought up a list of what the kids are saying now. One of the terms was ‘snack’ and this list indicated that ‘snack’ meant something slightly different in today’s (don’t-break-a) hip vernacular. According to the Urban Dictionary, they are correct:

Snack – 1. a snack is someone who looks good at the moment; 2. an attractive person; 3. an attractive female; 4. someone who looks so good you could eat them, not in an innocent way.

After reading that description, I jokingly decreed, “I’m a snack!” to which way too much laughter resulted, and a meme by Julia was born (I’ve finally been memed!) 

It was just an average night at home ~ being silly, painting our nails, talking about snacks ~ and it brought me into the Cool Mom’s Club, where I could be hip to the jive as I once was… though I fear it was a little closer to this classic ‘Mean Girls’ moment.

Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries. 

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