

Hygge For Heat: A Recap

Another frigid work-week began this morning, but I switched things up and had a moment of calm and peace before posting this recap. It’s a trick to ease more gently into the weekday drudge. But now we can’t postpone a moment longer, so let’s get to the weekly recap.

It began with a celebration for Mom’s birthday, to the extent that anyone celebrates anything these days. 

Karel Barnoski came out with a new song and video, ‘November Moon’, that was simply exquisite.

To keep you warm: some cozy reading.

Meditative alignment

This website is now nineteen years old. Holy shit. 

The saddest thing about therapy is this

A shitty start to the day, courtesy of Mercury in retrograde.

Some of us are fragile blooms.

A day of hygge with Dad.

Monday morning matcha to ease into the work-week.

Dazzlers of the Day included Karel Barnoski, Summer ShapiroGabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron, and Tom Holland.

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