

Planting several salvia, fuchsia, and penstemon plants this spring has resulted in a few hummingbird visitors these past few weeks. Happy little birds, their fast fluttering whirring like some quiet motorized engine, they provide for much fascination and study as they seek out and probe any tubular flower that offers nectar. I’ve noticed a green variety, and one in gray – both equally enchanting in their fleeting visits. They join the butterflies and countless bees, which have been focused on the cup plant and the hydrangeas lately. Our butterfly bush seems to be the one place where they all want to meet. 

Whenever I find myself in doubt or sadness, I go back to nature to find some peace and solace. Even if I only manage to step into the backyard for one moment a day, I can usually locate a glimpse of calm, and somehow it is enough. The world will help you if you allow it. 

We’ve just had one of our first monarchs of the season, in the wake of several swallowtails, which had been appearing regularly all summer. They’ll get their own post soon enough. 

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