

Hotel Lounge Living

In my perfect fantasy world, life would take place in a hotel lounge. Preferably one run by the Mandarin Oriental or a fancy Fairmont property as seen here. I love the idea of glamorous transiency, of people in flux and in travel status, going or coming hither and yon. There’s a pleasure and comfort in having a cocktail in such environs when your room is just upstairs, a sense of being at home even when away from home. And while I don’t usually have the luxury of a room in such establishments, itâ’s still a thrill to inhabit those spaces, even if I’m only borrowing them for a bit.

The art of a dramatic backdrop seems to be a lost one.

The grand lobbies with sky-high ceilings and elaborately ornate wood carvings are going by the wayside.

I mourn the loss of it all.

We need the space and time to breathe.

We need the moments to collect ourselves.

We need a bit of beauty to ease the weight of the world.

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