

Holy Crap, it’s November: A Recap

That’s right, November. Thanksgiving time, and the holiday shit has already begun in earnest. I am so not ready for this jelly. Not yet. Let me finish the Halloween candy first, then we’ll talk turkey. Somehow I’m still on schedule, having just put in the order for this year’s Holiday Card – and though I say this every year, I think this one might be the most shocking of them all. (And after last year’s card, that’s no easy feat.) Back to present time, here’s a quick recap of everything that went on here in the last week. (Admittedly, it wasn’t much.)

Are you ready to ride this train? I honestly don’t think I am. Too late now…

My jockstrap-covered cock got removed from FaceBook and Instagram, (but my dick is safe for Twitter apparently!) resulting in a spike of traffic for this very website. Here, this gasoline will put out my fire much faster.

One of my favorite small trees is making its final glorious show for the season: the coral bark Japanese maple. A late-season hydrangea gives it a run for its money. But in this light, everything looks good.

While the weather took a turn for the chilly, the parade of Hunks kept things warm and toasty. It’s hard not to get a little hot and bothered upon seeing the shirtless likes of Chris Hemsworth, Rodiney Santiago, Reichen Lehmkuhl,  Daniel Osborne and a double post of Ben Cohen: here and here.

Halloween was, as always, a total bore.

Musically, the week was uncharacteristically devoid of Madonna, but this gem by Mika and a timely classic by Guns N’ Roses kept things rolling. (Not to worry, Madonna will be back in a major way – in the meantime, feast on this and this to see how far we’ve come.)

Won’t you take a lick of my honey stick?

My very first hike was a smashing success. And by that I mean I didn’t fall and break my ass or require a search and rescue mission. It was the perfect day, affording so many great shots that I had to break it down into three parts: Part 1: The Hike, Part 2: The Cliffhanger, and Part 3: The Retreat.

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