

Holiday Cresting

The holiday rush is gleefully, or grinchingly, upon us, and it feels like if I don’t give in to the raging flow I’ll be left behind. I won’t pretend there’s not a little bit of panic to that, to the idea that I’m missing out on something. It’s the sort of thing that I imagine drug-abusers or gluttonous over-eaters might feel. Whatever the case, it’s time to pull back, slow down, pause and enjoy the moment. Here’s to the last week.

The happy week began with the naked ass of John Stamos. And when a nude John Stamos (at least a nude butt shot) hits the internet, it’s a promising start to the week.

The sparkle of the season requires a little extra oomph, in this case something Outrageous!

The double crowning of Lockhart Brownlie as Hunk of the Day was another happy event.

Silk and pink, a wondrous combination.

It was a week of double Hunk crownings, continuing with Steven Dehler.

Minus the bombast and bravado, the Holiday Card 2015 arrived without an axe to grin.

There’s no crying at Christmas, except when there is.

Rounding out the Hunks of the week were Rick Fisher and Phil Sullivan.

The big news was the continuation of posts for The Delusional Grandeur Tour: Last Stand of a Rock Star, beginning with a little animal instinct. The ‘Animal Demons’ section has only just begun and it’s proving to be a bit much for certain folks. Was it the icy donkey show shown here? Was it the naked nipple-tweaking pig sex scene that did it? Or the devil crotch head that pushed people over the edge? Whatever the case, that’s kind of tame stuff compared to what’s about to come…

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