

High Summer Recap

The days look to remain in the 90’s, the pool looks to remain inviting, and the only thing that doesn’t look to remain is men when I head out on vacation at the end of the week. For now, I’m here, trudging through the heat and humidity like much of the country, and sometimes the only escape is to look back. To that end, the week in review:

There was gratuitous male skin aplenty, as there tends to be when the temps hit such heights, starting off with Mr. Summer Fun himself, Andy Cohen. Pushing that male nudity envelope even further was the ESPN Body Issue, always such a gift, as it featured a naked Matt Harvey and an equally naked Giancarlo Stanton.

It wasn’t all sports guys who took it off though, Broadway triple-threat Nick Adams got his second Hunk nod, while openly-gay singer/songwriter Tom Goss lost most of his clothing too. Of course, such exposure is par for the course in the day of a male model, as proven by naked male Garrett Neff.

(We also featured John Travolta, on the non-Hunk side of things.)

When I was a kid, I had the whole world in my hands.

It was a week of pricks, weed, and an ongoing project.

A pair of cocktails – one tried-and-true and one brand-new – were presented in the forms of the Bloody Mary and the Rainier Cherry Muddler.

When there are cocktails, there is usually food, and this week I offer two recipes: a traditional Pasta Puttanesca (which I tried for the very first time) and this raspberry summer salad.

Finally, it was the 4th of July, one spent with an adorable family.

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