

Here We Are

Didn’t Gloria Estefan have a song that started like that? I think she did. Ask Suzie Ko – we had a Gloria Estefan moment in a Sears store a long time ago. So much has gone since then, including Sears. Anyway, it’s the Tuesday after a long holiday weekend, and nothing is worse than that, especially when it’s scheduled to rain, so this post will be slight and small and just the littlest bit whiny. Hey, it’s what you came for. Go somewhere else for all-we-need-is-positivity. (I heard the Spice Girls concert opened with huge sound problems. You’d think they would check that shit beforehand. I digress…)

Coming up, when I get around to it, will be a review of ‘The Cher Show’ and a few fun photos of my niece and nephew from our Memorial Day dinner. Both are better than they sound on virtual paper. In the meantime, I implore you to type whatever you want into the ‘Search’ box located somewhere below this post. It’s fun. I don’t like being reminded of the nonsense I may have written in the past, but others do. Check it out. Let’s get this unofficial summer season going. 

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