
God Save My Ass

{Quiet, please, for this prayer circle.}

This is a day on which I have no idea what’s going to happen to my ass, but please God give me an ass to show everybody here that I did make something out of my life. Ok, I’m paraphrasing ‘Truth or Dare’ here, but in times of duress, I tend to turn to Madonna. In this case, I’m about to begin the final stages of prep for tomorrow’s colonoscopy, meaning I can only have liquids today, and in a few hours it’s 64 ounces of Gatorade mixed with Miralax. 

Do I dare document this ass-centric rite of middle-age passage? At the time of this writing, I haven’t decided. I’m told that once this process begins, I won’t have much time outside of the bathroom. Then again, that’s what laptops are for – and live-blogging the lead-up to a colonoscopy is just the sort of TMI antic that has made this blog what it is today. 

It’s always been about my ass.

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