

Ghosts of Decembers Past

The calendar is giving a rather rude wake-up call this morning, as it changes all-too-soon into December. The month of Christmas. The end of the year. The shortest and darkest day. All of that and more marks December. This year is a little different, for a number of reasons, but before we go too far off the beaten path, here’s a look back at a few December posts that came before.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

The last time I would ever sing for them.

I still love these pants. They make me feel like an elf.

The Christmas DJ, spinning it right round.

This brotherly tradition began in Amsterdam, NY.

A favorite decoration, rustic and true.

Let’s have a holiday party!

A magical entry for a door that soon won’t be there anymore.

Driving Miss Daisy.

Tipping my top hat.

A car full of love.

Come on baby, light my fire.

Porny, horny Santas, dancing.

Christmas is for the kids.

Some December days are foggy.

And some are made cozy with fire.

This Christmas Tree will have to serve for this year too.

My family jewels.

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