

Fun With Filters

As anyone who truly knows me will attest, I despise photoshop and filters with a passion. That makes today’s filter-obsessed online world relatively drab and dreary for me. Those big, bulging eyes and animal ears are just obnoxious. It also says a lot about someone’s sense of self-beauty when they feel the need to filter their face all the time. There’s some weird juxtaposition of self-obsession and self-hatred in all these ultra-filtered faces. I find it rather more sad than anything else.

Even so, every now and then I’ll fall into the filter hole to see what the young people are doing (or more likely because a multitude of social media friends are all trying out the latest ‘Which Disney Princess are you?’ feature). That’s how I have a Wonder Woman crown on my head somewhere, and the winter holly growing out of my ear here.

I’m also coming around to the occasional filter to help reverse the aging process. Having unwittingly looked up at the video monitor broadcasting my face in the self-check-out line at Target on a recent Sunday morning, filters may be the way to go.

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