

Flashing It Back

When the world shakes and shimmies, disturbing the status quo and reminding us that no human is really in charge of anything, I tend to turn to nostalgia and the comforts of remembering a time that seemed simpler and easier and not quite so dim. To that end, I’ve been taking daily walks around our little gardens, soaking in the sun and silence, and remembering the way things used to be. This is not a state in which one should stay, and it’s not a place in which I usually find myself, but for now, for this moment, it is welcome.

These vintage photos were taken during the first or second summer in our current home, about eighteen years ago. We still have that weigela in the background, though it’s on its last legs and in need of replacement. Out with the old and in with the new, and this garden year is about editing and cutting out what doesn’t work. Gardening remains a ruthless game. There is comfort in that too. 

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