

Filler Diller

One of the lessons I learned early on in the 20-years-and-counting run of this website was that not every blog post can or should be profoundly moving or earth-shattering. A good blogger is lucky if they manage that feat once a month – though I did aim for at least one epic post per week, a dream that I still don’t usually manage to achieve, but it’s inspiring to have a goal. In between the big events were the filler posts – the ones that sustained anyone’s need for a daily fix of the nonsense they may have come to expect from my inane ass. These were the posts that largely became the driving force of a blog – the day-to-day doldrums that dropped a few fun hints of drama or tragedy or hilarity that life threw at all of us. Taken together they form the voice you are hearing now – the one that often represents the unguarded and unedited version of myself, of the voice that runs throughout my brain during every waking moment of the day.

This inner-narrative finds expression in a public way that’s clearly not for everyone, but it has been a boon to my mental state in allowing me to vent and release whatever is on my mind. Sometimes simply getting a thought down on electronic paper is enough to acknowledge it and let it pass without much trouble. Too often the main problems in life are caused by bottling them up and keeping them to ourselves. There is greater strength in letting them out and expressing oneself, even if it leaves you out here alone, vulnerable and bare for all the world to see. 

So here’s to the filler posts, and to everyone who gets through an average Tuesday. There is glory in all of it. 

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