
February Makes Me Shiver

As much as I’ve been trying to embrace the winter this year, and as generally successful as I’ve been in doing so, I’m still greatly looking forward to spring, and the requisite relief it will bring after a winter of cooped-up social isolation. Last spring and summer, I don’t think we made enough of the ability to gather outside and at a distance, perhaps thinking (wishfully) that this pandemic would not last, having faith that our fellow Americans would each do their part instead of acting like a bunch of spoiled and entitled babies who won’t wear a ask or get a simple vaccine to stop the spread of a fatal disease. Clearly, some Americans aren’t getting that message, so while other countries like New Zealand can open up completely and go the movies and sporting events and theater, we are stuck in this muck of stupidity and slowness. Oh well, land of the free and brave and moronic…

Sorry, a bit of bitterness remains even after a year of daily meditation and mindfulness, because I’m only human after all. As I work on that, I’ll focus on these beautiful grape hyacinths, seen at Faddegon’s on my weekly pilgrimage, and a pleasant reminder of the glory that is spring. Less than two months remain of winter, no matter what that pesky rodent tells us or doesn’t tell us tomorrow…

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