

Fare Thee Well, November…

Thirty days hath September, April, June and November…

We’ve reached the last of the latter, so let’s look back at some of the highlights of this past month. It will be remembered in these parts mostly for the PVRTD Project – my first official project in three years, and one which has me hankering to get started on the next. That’s a very good thing. Anyway, the bulk of the PVRTD Promo posts are encapsulated here, so give it a whirl.

Actually, I’m not going to do all that work. Here are the recaps for the month – do your own homework! I have holiday preparations on the agenda…

The first recap included the tail end of October, which is fitting since some of my behind was included in this post as well

The second recap consisted of a mask-bound photo and all the requisite perversion one might expect.

For our third recap, we entered the week of Thanksgiving. No going back now.  

Finally, if it seems like we just had a recap, you’re right. Here it is. And another one is on the way in just a few short days. 


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