If you ever hear me saying any of the things printed on this t-shirt, get to a safer location immediately. (I found this shirt in Maine and got it because I’ve reached the point where I have to laugh at such things or I’ll totally lose my shit.) A few more phrases and their actual translations may be found in this post. It’s helpful to have a pocket translator sometimes, as no one seems to understand tone or context or basic communication.
Anyway, this classy ensemble was what I wore for a quick promo video heralding the low-key arrival of this year’s holiday card, which hits mailboxes starting today. It will be posted here in a few days, without much fanfare, and the only hint I’ll give is that it’s slightly uncharacteristic as far as my typical themes go. It also has the potential to be a complete miss if you haven’t seen the pop culture scene it references, but such is the risk of niche holiday fare. Next year will be the 30th anniversary of my very first holiday card, so this is just a quiet non-event year, the promo of which may make bigger waves than the actual card itself. I like how messed up that is, and it’s fine. Everything is fine.
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