

Embracing My Nature

I’m a Virgo, one of the most annoying and exacerbating signs of the Zodiac, second perhaps only to Leo, of which I am right on the cusp. I got the worst of the worst and there’s nothing I can do about it. For years, I tried to fight such tendencies – now I go with my flow and embrace them. Starting with organization and scheduling. I need to have a structured plan, preferably with a timeline and agenda. I’m just happier that way. More relaxed. And it gives me the opportunity to mellow out and make room for spontaneity. Sounds strange, but it’s what works for me.

To that end, I’m starting my holiday planning now, and have already mapped out and shot this year’s holiday card. I’m also beginning the process for the holiday party plan. Gift shopping is right around the corner too.

Some may scoff at the effort, but when I’m carefree around Christmas time and the rest of the world is scrambling, don’t hate me for making it look effortless. It’s not, and these are the weeks that prove it.

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