

Easter Parade, Delayed

With all of the nasty weather this spring, the sickness and the hold-ups, I didn’t get to watch our usual Easter viewing treat ‘Easter Parade’ until long after the fact, but it’s better to document it now than never, as it makes for a perfectly fine spring viewing party whether or not it’s a little after-the-fact. It won’t be anyone’s greatest cinematic masterpieces, but Judy Garland and Fred Astaire together can’t be all bad, and it’s a delightful confection for a rainy day when the technicolor outfits are more than enough to satisfy the desire for inspiration. 

My heart yearns to be in a time when hats were as fabulous as they were commonplace. It also longs for a feather-accented outfit like Ann Miller wears in one delicious dance sequence. 

Mostly, though, I wish the “Happiest Musical Ever Made” held more than the power of suggestion and inspiration, that we could set a day to music and make all our problems go away. Until it does, I’ll keep hoping… and dressing up…

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