

Double the Bunny Power

We often have a rabbit present in the yard at this time of the year – well, several, but very rarely do we see them at one time. On a recent afternoon, however, I was watching one rabbit under the lace-leaf Japanese maple and making sure it wasn’t munching on the hosta when Andy called me in to see another one in another part of the yard. Walking forward a bit more, I saw the one under the maple hop over to the other one, and then they both took off like rabbits usually do. 

These two are bit more tame and far less timid than the ones we usually encounter. I’m not sure if that’s  good or bad – time will tell if they devour our garden. They are nowhere near as destructive as a groundhog, but they can cause some damage, as everyone needs to eat. For now, they are welcome to munch on all the weeds and extra-long leaves of the lawn, and I’ll throw in some of the fountain grass and cup plant leaves as they both need major cutting back. 

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