

Dinner with Mom, Suzie, & Adrian Grenier

One of the most fun parts of the Broadway trips with Mom is our dinner with Suzie, and since Suzie is soon to be departing Brooklyn, she may not be in the city next time we do this, which made this one extra special. We scrolled through Zagat to find the venue ~ Beautique ~ and it turned out to be a hot spot. Within minutes of sitting down in a curved corner booth, I watched Adrian Grenier saunter past, sans entourage, to a party in a room just off the main dining area. He stood in the doorway for much of the dinner, which was less distracting than might be expected. (I think Suzie found him cuter than I did.)

Dinner was good, even if they did forget the side dish of fiddlehead ferns we ordered (which then rather tragically turned out to be slightly under-done). When fiddle-heads are on the menu, I say order them – their season is so limited. Soon, too soon, it was time for us to depart, in a haste to make our last show – and it was a doozy so we did not want to be late. Hedwig waits for no man…

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