

December Orchid Start

Let us have beauty! Unattainable, unreliable, unrelenting beauty! 

For the start of December, we demand it. In the month when winter arrives after much hemming and hawing and hinting, we will need beauty and light and warmth more than ever. The holidays can falsely keep hopes lifted for only a short duration – soon that tree will lose its needles, those ornaments will lose their luster, and we will lose the spirit of cheer and joy that has only ever been temporary. Then we will be left scrambling to find the next fix, the next balm upon our hearts while the long trek of winter unfurls its endless wonder. That’s when beauty comes into play.

In the false heat and humidity of a greenhouse, these orchids bloom entirely unaware of the winter about to surround them. That winter will lay siege to all of our surroundings, but in the artificial environment of the greenhouse, these orchids will go about their business, happily blooming and growing and putting on a show. They will have no idea how helpful it will be for those of us just trying to make it through another day. Beauty does that. 

And so, let us have beauty for the beginning of December, and let it ring throughout the coming winter.

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