

Days of Decembers Past

Entering the final month of the calendar year, let us run away with December. Or let December run away with us. Within the month is the shortest and darkest day as we witness the official arrival of winter, but there is also Christmas Day to counter-balance that. I’m not sure the holidays are going to work their typical magic this year, and in all honesty such magic has been slowly eroding over the past few years, so maybe this is just how it goes. The older we get, the few magical moments we have. For that reason, let’s take a rare look back, just in case the best days are behind us. 

(Just a quick warning – since these links populate with the last day first, there are a lot of year-end-review recaps. It’s a lot to take in. I’m breathless just thinking of them.)

~ December 2018
December 2017
~ December 2016
~ December 2015
~ December 2014
~ December 2013
~ December 2012
~ December 2011
~ December 2010
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