

Cold November Day

A couple of years ago, I did a live-post day of entries for Veteran’s Day. I’d had the day off from work, and hadn’t made any other plans, so I spent the day doing not much of anything, but documenting it in photos. There were the obligatory naked shower shots, a series of breakfast prep shots, and a few late season rose shots. This year I don’t have the time nor the inclination to bore you with the mundane particulars of the day. (I’m actually driving to New Jersey to select granite for the kitchen.) In my absence, peruse the following links, brought to you by Novembers past.

We begin in appropriately timely fashion, with a treatise on time.

A rural throwback to last year, and a lifetime ago, in the sleepy expanse of upstate New York – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

It’s almost holiday shopping season, and I’m not ready for another amateur hour.

One of my proudest moments: my stint as a Cheesecake Boy.

Keeping things delightfully (and shirtlessly) toasty, were the hunky likes of Matthew Morrison, Tom Daley, Quinn Jaxon, Tom Daley, some sexy footballers, and even more Tom Daley.

In further circles within circles, Kira and I have been rendezvousing in Boston for two years now, traditions intact. Up next: our holiday weekend where we walk around Boston (oh so much walking!) to look at the how the stores are decked out for the season. A few cozy stops for food and drink, and then a night of good cheer and company.

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