

Breaking May Recap

May is wandering off much too quickly for my liking, even if the weather has been far from fine. We eked out a nice weekend, and I spent most of it in Boston (with an early morning run to Troy’s Landscaping, resulting in the selfie seen here that Suzie claimed is a total Mom selfie so we’re not speaking right now), but Boston is a story to tell in a later post. For now, our usual Monday look-back at the week that came before…

It started with the lilacs, which have made a wonderful showing the year, lingering a little longer than is customary thanks to the cool, wet weather. 

Some #TinyThreads were meant to be pulled. 

I love balls

Florals for spring, again. 

With all this rain, a fragrance to complement the wetness

Our annual Mother’s Day weekend on Broadway began…

Camp and cabs and Central Park

And a special guest appearance or two

Until the next Broadway rendezvous.

Hunks of the May Days included Thomas Bradfield, Devon Goda, John Gregory-Smith, and James Faulkner.

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