

Boyband Confessions

For those of us around and cognizant at the turn of the millennium, there was only one war that mattered: Backstreet Boys versus ‘NSync. It was a battle for who could claim the supreme boyband title, and these two groups fought it out on the musical and video battleground, volleying for the top spot. At the end of that initial run of pop glory, I think most would agree that ‘NSync had the edge, following the super status of songs and videos like ‘Bye Bye Bye’ and ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’. 

The confessional part of this post is that I was always more of a Backstreet Boys fan. What can I say? I like boybands that stay together. 

That said, I’m as intrigued as Taylor Swift as to what might be in the ‘NSync future…

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