

As far as anyone can foreseeably tell, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be running against Trump and Pence, and that’s going to be the choice this fall (with the possible addition of a self-proclaimed-bipolar spouse of a reality television persona). I posted this on FaceBook as soon as it was announced: “I would have loved to have seen Kamala Harris as President… maybe someday I will. For now, she’d make an amazing VP.”

Soon, the comments had devolved into an argument, rooted in a conversation about whether Biden was fit for the office. So let me just explain myself here, in a succinct post that I will copy and paste as needed whenever similar comments surface on social media.

We are not having a conversation on the fitness level of Joe Biden for President.

We are not having a conversation about the failings or shortcomings or gaffes of Joe Biden.

We are not having a conversation about previous votes or previous stances or previous poor decisions by Joe Biden.

There is too much at stake for this election.

There is also no comparison to the horror that currently occupies the White House.

Until such time that Joe Biden has told over 19,000 lies, paid off a porn star after having an affair with her while his wife was pregnant, bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, ordered the tear-gassing of peaceful protestors so he could pose with a Bible in his hand, caged children after separating them from their families, incited and emboldened open racism and hatred, allowed over 160,000 Americans to die from COVID, and gotten impeached for abuse of power and obstructing Congress, I don’t want to hear anything bad about Biden.

I hope there will come a day when we can again discuss the subtleties and nuances of candidates, to have a thoughtful debate on the merits and failings of their platforms and personal attributes, to have intelligent and constructive arguments exchanging differences of opinion on policy and methods of enacting policy. This is not that time.

There are only two choices right now: Biden or Trump.

To question, denigrate, or tear down Biden in any way is to implicitly support Trump. I don’t like that that’s how it is, but that doesn’t stop it from being true. As I said, I hope one day we can have these discussions again, when questioning a candidate is not going to guarantee the election of a monster. We are not at that day. We are at a very perilous point, where if each and every one of us doesn’t do all that we can to make sure Trump is defeated, I genuinely fear the dissolution of what made this country so great in the first place.

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