

Before and After The November Freeze

Our dogwood and Japanese maple trees held onto their fiery leaves for as long as possible, but a deep freeze, a hint of snow, and some forceful gusts of wind took the show away. Thankfully there are a few photos to capture the glory forever. It’s not quite the same thing – far from it – but it will have to do. Until the holiday pizzazz is brought out (just a little too early for that in these parts, but soon…) these memories will have to do. The long stretch of grays and browns has only just begun, and then the slow, laborious winter will begin. There are creative endeavors to see us through – ideas for projects so personal and precious they will provide the warmth and love that must keep winter’s cruelty at bay. Come, stay cozy here. Find comfort and light, heat and humility. A new order of the kindest kind. 


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