

Back in Retro

This time around I felt it before I confirmed or knew about it. There was an uneasiness in the air, a slight shift of the spring trajectory we had been on, and when it finally came across someone’s FaceBook feed it was almost a relief to see it. Mercury is in retrograde. A relief, and then a worry, and then something in-between.

Sitting down for a daily meditation, I watched as the wind brushed through the thuja hedge, touching on the Japanese umbrella pine before scuttling out of sight. A spell of rain began soon thereafter, and the chill in the air signaled we had not yet crossed the frost-free date in upstate New York (last time I checked that happened the first week of May). 

Now that I know Mercury is in retrograde, I can relax a bit, and lean into the mayhem and mishaps to come. It’s a more peaceable way of dealing with life in general, a reminder that when we roll with the punches it’s sometimes easier than going against the flow. 

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