

Avoiding Toxicity

This online world, of which my blog has been a part for the last sixteen years, has been rapidly devolving into toxicity. A recent sample of FaceBook and Twitter trends had me shutting it all off, as supposed fans tore apart the ‘Game of Thrones’ finale and Madonna’s Eurovision performance, indicative of a general trend of hating on anything and everything that comes across the online timeline.

Why is there so much hate? Why is there such a readiness to attack and destroy? I don’t know exactly, but I have my theories, none of which I’ll bother posting or positing as they would only contribute to the unhealthy atmosphere of negativity so prevalent today. I’ll do what I usually do when it comes to comments and anonymous critiques: ignore and avoid. Let them breed their chaos and toxicity, let them wallow in their self-dissatisfaction. We’ve got happiness and truth on our side. They only have deceit.

Moving on…

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